Cub Scout Pack 731
North Reading, MA

Full Calendar

Leaders Corner
(Training, Who's Who, etc.)

Our Dens
Den 1: Bears
Den 2:
Den 3:
Den 4: Wolves
Den 5: Webelos I
Den 6: Webelos I
Den 7: Webelos II
Den 8: Webelos II
Den 9: Bears

(What to get and where to get it!)

Scouting Links

Join Us!!

EMail The Webmaster

Interested In Joining Our Pack?

You could give a call to one of the folks on the Contacts page or let us know how and we'll contact you!

Fall 2011 : You can sign up at any of our Pack Meetings (third Sunday of each Month at 6pm) at the Union Congregational Church on Haverhill Street.

You can also download an application and send with a check for $35 payable to "Cub Scout Pack 731" Attn: Gail Tenney, 12 Angel Rd, North Reading 01864.

A Leader Application or Transfer form is also available.

Your name:

Your current grade (or the last one you finished):

Your age:

Your phone number:

Your EMail address: